i'm here 2 wish my fren, Gan Cherie, hApPy BirThDay!!!
hahas! basically,ytd she made a birthday party & i'm invited to ...
^^ okok, wht had happened?
In d morning, PY came 2 my hse & v waited 4 cherie n her mum 2 fetch us go cherie's hse..
cz our parents were working...hehes..
so..we waited..8.40 a.m. , finalLy, CHERIE had ArrIved..HAHA!
well, its kinda boring rite? juz skip sum parts..
okok, PLAYING TIME!! wo0ts!!!
1st game = Truth or Dare?
it was fun...i picked the dare! mabel dared me 2 slap bryan twice hardly! HAHAHA! so i did wht she said ==" luckily i did nt get beat up by bryan afta de party! PHEW..
2nd game = WATER BALLOON!!!
wo0ts! i luv tis game!! the balloons r all useless.. whnever v took it up..v will juz get ourselves wet..so...!! WE USED THE HOSE!..!! SUM USED THE PAIL! lolz...here r sum pics.

HAHAHA~~ all wetty wetty! rushed up 2 cherie's room 2 chg..all drooping wet...lolz.! luckily didnt kena scold by cherie's aunty n mum! HEHEH!! o0oh..w8 w8 w8! dun tink d negatif side, de boys went to the grd floor toilet 2 chg..i bet they c each others..... OMG! =="
3rd game = MY FAVOURITE PART.. EATING!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! =="""" so yummy.. gt fried dumpling, fried chicken , spagetti , errr..summre? oh ya.. soft drinks! LOL~ IT WAS FUN EATING!!! yummy yummy!!
4th game = went up 2 cherie's room again, plyed blind fold..!! it was a disaster.. 1st cherie got blind folded.. all std on their places, but.. me..cnt stop laughing! ZzzZz..actually de game is tht u got blind folded n whenever u touched sum1 u must hug him/her~ i kept laughing so she found me..it was unfair! i'm d 2nd, zzzzzz every1 distract me wif their voices till i almost knocked on somethin! OH WELL~ it was fun ! XDD
5th game = " baby if u luv me would u pls smile? " is a game which the stding 1 must choose a person n sit on their lap n say d following phrase... if de 1 hu being sit did nt laugh..he/she pass! ! this game was quite a failure T_T no 1 wan 2 ply.! *SIGH* but..! me n de birthday gurl demonstrated.! lolzzz
6th game = errr? GAY vs LESS? zzzzzz... stupid game. of coz de gurls won ~ LOL! *perasan* =="
7th game = de birthday gurl cut cake? LOL~..here r sum pics.
lovely cake..but sry 2 say.i dun lyk cake..! LOL~ so mean! ==" sry cherie!!! HAHAHA! i only lyk ice-cream cake! hehes!! well, i did eat de cake 4 u cherie! *WEEP* hehes!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERIE!!!
8th game = dunno liao..all i noe is sum ply ping pong, watch tv, n chat..lolzz
9th game = went out cherie's hse n walked 2 the park izzit cherie? dunno..zz sum borrow cherie's bike 2 ride on.. lolzzz IT WAS A FUN EXCERSING! LOLZ!
10th game = finally... cherie's mum fetched py n me go home..v're de 1st 2 leave! SOB! aunty scared got traffic jam..oh well,! thx aunty 4 fetching us bek!! HapPy Birthday Cherie!!! muacks muacks!!!
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