Tuesday, May 13, 2008



wht an unlucky day ==

went recess wif a grp of frens, was in a gd mood...

eat finish my two slices bread alr, went around d table to find sum snacks.. [[ which is my frens' food! hehes ]]

ta-da! found! an egg!! AVA offer me a quater of EGG~ZzzZz! MEGAN offer me a piece of biscuit! PY offer me a cheese sausage! w0ots!

sadly, all small pieces ~ ZzzZzzzZz

nt yt full lar..~ wtf? opened my purse.. *butterfly flying out* wO0ts! l0lzz.. insane @_@

was sitting on a bench, chatting wif frens..

suddenly! FELICIA appear bhind me wif a hot bowl of ASAM LAKSA!

i was flying my hand? banged on her food!

*BANGED*! half of d asam laksa was eaten by my lovely pants T_T [[ was its eaten or absorbed?]] zzzzzzz

every1 looked at me, *stunned*


" OMG..so sorry joyee~ *giggling* "

" WHT THE... "

AVA was a meter away from me.. singing " CZ U HAD A BAD DAY.."

[[ AVA! Cold-hearted ! ]] hehes

cherie, mabel, py,megan,jessye, ava were stunned too? izzit? DUNNO!

went wash my pantszzzzz....used AVA's whole packet of tissue! WAHAHAHAS~

but still its stink lyk rotten fish ==

afta PE class, hurried 2 d LOO to go CHG in2 my uniform! PHEW! NT STINKY ANYMRE! W0ots!

well, tht's 4 2day! OH YA! got a piece of biscuit b4 goin up to class! CURED MY HEART!! it was MEGAN's biscuit n JESSYE's tuna! hahas!

PS: TO FELICIA: no mre asam laksa pls! dun spill anymre! tmr i'm wearing PE clothes, so dun curse me! == well, its 13th of MAY ! 13 !!!! UNLUCKY! my bad ! T_T

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